Friday, 27 January 2012


This place has been the joint since 91 that's 20 years more than I have been on the face of this earth! They are obviously doing allot of things right to be still holding it down for so long. This is far from my first visit to Rakinos in or out of Utero! You see the place where Mamma and Dadda went to peep at me in Mammas tummy is just up the road!. They would come here after and have coffees. However now I can see things with my own eyes here's my take on it!

Ok so normally we frequent this place on an afternoon where we sit on the balcony enjoying something called "Happy Hour" where they drink a cold amber drink or two. However on today's visit this was not the case. Coffee was the flavour of the day and it looked and smelled good!

Even though Im not allowed to drink a fluffy yet I got the lowdown from Josh at Rakinos that fluffy's are FREE! Yup you heard it here FREE fluffy's!!! If the look of their coffee is anything to go by then I bet the fluffy's are amazing too.

I love the staff here! When they are not run off their feet I even get cuddles from Aunty Kate! Josh and Sam always have a big smile for me.  We sat at a table today we normally sit up here at the counter!

The music is always on point morning, noon and night! I'm pretty sure this will still be the joint in 2029 when I will be able to enjoy happy hour without the old's cramping my style.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Little and Friday

No sleep for the wicked and coffee seems to be a must for my Mamma! Today we went to meet up with friends at Little and Friday. Ive been here before but not with my crew of bubba's and Mamma's and Aunties. We had a great position out the front in the shade as today was super sunny!

Plenty of room for all 4 bubba's, 4 Mammas and One Aunty to sit comfortably. I must admit I got serious food jealousy when I saw the older bubba's knocking back the donuts. They must have been good as Leo was licking his fingers. This place is set up for kids they even have massive sidewalk chalk so you can get your draw on!

After eating donuts its probably a good idea to burn some of that sugar off! Luckily for the Mamma's there is an amazing park down the road (take the first street on the right past L&F head towards the bottom of the cul-de-sac and take the path on the left hand side) It has possibly one of the best playgrounds ever. The main part is shaped like a pirate ship. There is even a flying fox and one of the fastest slides ever.  Even some shady grass off to the side for a picnic out of the sun. If L & F is packed then just get what you need to go and head down to the park. There is even a water fountain down there! These seem to be missing from allot of parks. Yes I know we have our Mamma milky fountains with us but hey sometimes you need to switch it a little!

So you don't need to be Little or for the day to be a Friday to get the best donuts in town! If the shore scares you you could always visit the Newmarket L&F and head to the Winter Gardens in the Auckland Domain to burn off that Sugar.

Little and Friday

Sunday, 22 January 2012


The best place to go for a coffee when you are in the Queenstown neck of the woods. This place has more goodies than Grandma's basket and not a wolf in sight. If you are in need of grannies cuddles you will also find them here! Just ask for Kath!

Not only can you push on in in ya pushchair but you could do a lap around each table. There is loads of room and a nifty high chair that you can clamp onto the end of any of the many tables! I gave it a thrash and it was safe as even when bashed with an elephant (toy). There is a bunch of great toys and books (see photo for evidence).

We came here twice in our short stay. The staff are super lovely and I managed to get hugs and massive smiles from them and even got a tour behind the counter where the goodies were. The counter top is great for jumping off into your Mamma's arms. I can't jump yet but witnessed some fine Jumping By Mia.

Motogrill is the place to be if you are a 5 week old or 90 years old you will be greeted with a smiling face even if you cause allot of noise!

They even organise a Motogrill buggy walk around Queenstown every now and then. If your a Queenstown local and haven't been ask Emily about it and get ya Mamma to take you!

Thanks Motogrill I will be back!

Saturday, 14 January 2012


I'm glad I wasn't in my pushchair as we wouldn't have made it through the doors past all the closely spaced tables and chairs, so its lucky i was in my capsule. 9am Saturday is a good time to come here (as the hipsters are sleeping or still working on their outfits) we managed to get a table big enough for 3 big people and still have room for me to sit in my capsule on the table safely.  I must add though that there was room for a lil person in a pushchair outside so it is do-able alfresco style. I thought I would test the air with a few disgruntled crying sounds and didn't manage to get any "who bought the baby" looks. The food must be really good as no one even looked up from their meals as I used my vocal chords! Even though it felt a little crowded with so many tables it still felt comfy. The staff were really nice and when I managed to escape the capsule and get some hugs from Uncle Pete when round 2 of coffee arrived for the big people they made sure it was well out of reach from my busy hands. 
There are some huge photos on the wall great for little eyes to look at even though I was way more interested in the Ipad the man behind us was using.
In my short life I have been here many times to watch Mamma and Dadda destroy Scrambled Eggs with a side of mushrooms that are apparently "killer" according to Mamma -probably a sign you shouldn't eat them if you think they will kill you Mamma (maybe that's why they are to die for?).
Although I wasn't close enough to see it looks like they had loads of goodies under glass lids at the counter. Roll on walking I cannot wait to peep through the glass and try to help them escape into my mouth.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

You can now follow me on twitter!/fluffynotso

No cafe can beat Millers in review so you may as well start at the top. Ive been coming to Millers since I was in my mamma's tummy. So its kind of like a second womb to me as she spent allot of time there. The familiar sound of the coffee roaster and the glorious smells it made are more than comforting to me. The coffee must be super good if Mamma and Dadda have been coming here for years. Its ground level so you can roll straight in there in ya push chair with out banging into tables and chairs and hipsters. Its a little hard to review a fluffy here as the king of barista's Jayren knows Im not 6 months old and wouldn't dare serve this under-ager cows milk! In all honesty i haven't ever had a fluffy! But Im sure if Mamma gave him some expressed milk that he would no-doubt whip me up the best one it town. I can however review the hugs in this joint and they are GOLD.  The music is also good for table dancing. Its my local and situated on Cross Street off Upper Queen Street behind Karangahape Road. The best thing is they are only open early (7.30am - Midday Mon - Fri) and we baby's like early and the old's like coffee when I wake them up early so its a win-win.