No sleep for the wicked and coffee seems to be a must for my Mamma! Today we went to meet up with friends at Little and Friday. Ive been here before but not with my crew of bubba's and Mamma's and Aunties. We had a great position out the front in the shade as today was super sunny!
Plenty of room for all 4 bubba's, 4 Mammas and One Aunty to sit comfortably. I must admit I got serious food jealousy when I saw the older bubba's knocking back the donuts. They must have been good as Leo was licking his fingers. This place is set up for kids they even have massive sidewalk chalk so you can get your draw on!
After eating donuts its probably a good idea to burn some of that sugar off! Luckily for the Mamma's there is an amazing park down the road (take the first street on the right past L&F head towards the bottom of the cul-de-sac and take the path on the left hand side) It has possibly one of the best playgrounds ever. The main part is shaped like a pirate ship. There is even a flying fox and one of the fastest slides ever. Even some shady grass off to the side for a picnic out of the sun. If L & F is packed then just get what you need to go and head down to the park. There is even a water fountain down there! These seem to be missing from allot of parks. Yes I know we have our Mamma milky fountains with us but hey sometimes you need to switch it a little!
So you don't need to be Little or for the day to be a Friday to get the best donuts in town! If the shore scares you you could always visit the Newmarket L&F and head to the Winter Gardens in the Auckland Domain to burn off that Sugar.
Little and Friday
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